
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Verneri Pasanen ver**** 24 Center Partnership Manager
Andy Mackay and*******@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Chief Executive Officer And Founder
Derek Timothy der*********@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Production Assistant
James Mccloud jam*********@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Songwriter
John Deykin joh*******@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Director
Tom Aikman tom******@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Producer
Bevan Tait bev******@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Freelance Editor
Samantha Wynne sam**********@2020productio... 20/20 Productions Marketing Manager
Paul Herman pau* 24.Com Senior Writer At Brandstudio.24
James De Villiers jam** 24.Com In Depth And Profile Writer