
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Joe Timelock [email protected] Agence 1989 Manager
Daniel Dias dan*** Agence 1989 Chef De Projet Senior
Estelle Favre est**** Agence 1989 Graphiste
Herve Homette her** Agence 1989 Infographiste
Elkhatib Idriss elk***** Agence 1989 Directeur De Banque En Retraite
Reza Khanaky rez* 10x Design Eigenaar
Bhumika Arora bhu**** 10x Design Home Stylist
Lindsey Demaree lin*********** Shippingtree Warehouse Coordinator
Jesse Kaufman jes********* Shippingtree Founder
Alex Canet ale****** Shippingtree Vice President Of Sales And Business Development