
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Shibu Nath shi** 3g Mobile Vansalesman
Cameron Mcnaughton cam**** 3g Mobile Reverse Logistics Manager
Pedro Da Fonte pfo*** 8soft Gmbh Product And Sales Manager It Security
Enno Scharf esc**** 8soft Gmbh Vertriebsmitarbeiter
Jasmith Polo jpo** 8soft Gmbh Seo Executive
Jürgen Leppich jle***** 8soft Gmbh Technischer Support
Albert Brouwer alb*** 4synergy Linked Partner
Gerco Grandia ger** 4synergy Partner
Arnold Coers arn*** 4synergy Consulting Partner, Interim Chief Technology Officer And It Manager, Agile Transformation Consultant
Klaus Ratgers kla** 4synergy Partner | Business Consultant | Enterprise Architect | Scrum Master