
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Vincent Alwicher vin**** 4synergy Linked Partner
Ronald Kneppers ron*** 4synergy Consulting Partner
Ing Cippe [email protected] 4synergy Consulting Partner
Lindi Brand lin** 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Regional Key Account Manager
Maitshoko Baleseng mai****** 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Office Manager Executiv
Brad Croucamp bra* 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Website Administrator
Kaylem Hall kay*** 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Debtors Clerk
Ronel Fritz ron** 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Logistics Manager
Batsile Mogotsi bat**** 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Accounts Officer Revenue, Receivables And Inventory
Ro Jit 3 G Mobile (Pty)Ltd Head Of Mobile