
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Marc Müller mar* 4tecture Gmbh Managing Director And Principal Consultant
Wolfgang Ofner wol***** 4tecture Gmbh Senior Software Engineer And Consultant
Chase Senner cha** 3g Shielding Specialties Sales Engineer
Demian Marty dem*** 4tecture Gmbh Senior Software Engineer
Tim Black [email protected] 3g Shielding Specialties President General Manager
Ashley Gilroy ash*** 3g Shielding Specialties Sales And Marketing Specialist
Jan Seib [email protected] 4tek Gmbh It Consultant
Zdenek Stangl zde*** 4tek Gmbh Web Designer
Leif Falkenkrans lei* 4tek Gmbh Teknisk Chef
Michael Zanner mic**** 4tek Gmbh Chief Executive Officer