
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Matthew Lajoie mat***** 3g Wireless, Llc Sales Consultant
Mike Hampton mik** 3g Wireless, Llc Remote Engineer And Project Manager
Aaron Gaitan aar*** 3g Wireless, Llc Rf Technician
Gil Pascal gil* 3g Wireless, Llc Head Engineer
Dan Wehner dan* 3g Wireless, Llc Independent Contractor
Hannah Nicastro han*** Eps Partners Llc Executive Secretary
Lucas Mack luc******@4thavenuemedi... 4th Avenue Media Founder, Principal Consultant And Creative Director
Fourth Ave Social fou*********@4thavenuemedi... 4th Avenue Media Social Media Marketing Manager
Anndrea Andersen ann**** Eps Partners Llc Administrative Assistant
Lauren Mack lau*******@4thavenuemedi... 4th Avenue Media Project Manager And Video Producer