
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Carrie Zeller car*** Vivid Ink Graphics Accounting Specialist Printing Services Baton Rouge, LA, US
Olga Kourilova olg* Vivid Ink Graphics Office Manager Printing Services New Orleans, LA, US
James Kehs jam** Vivid Ink Graphics Web Developer Printing Services Baton Rouge, LA, US
Rob Healy [email protected] Partner Seminole, FL, US
Dane Heptner dan* Partner Saint Petersburg, FL, US
Iman El-Hariry ima*********** ERYTECH Pharma Chief Medical Officer Biotechnology Boston, MA, US
Jonathan Barber jon************ ERYTECH Pharma Vice President Regulatory Affairs Biotechnology Montgomery, NJ, US
Anne-Cécile FUMEY ann*************** ERYTECH Pharma HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Biotechnology France
Carole Sansoz car********** ERYTECH Pharma Head of pharmaceutical and CMC regulatory affairs Biotechnology Lyon, FR
Daniel Cole dan******** ERYTECH Pharma VP Corporate Development Biotechnology Los Angeles, CA, US