
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Linda Grummer lin********** ERYTECH Pharma Director Clinical Operations Biotechnology United States
Eric Soyer eri******* ERYTECH Pharma (PHAXIAM) Directeur Général Délégué and COO and CFO Biotechnology Lyon, FR
Jerome BAILLY jer********** ERYTECH Pharma Chief Quality and Pharmaceutical Officer, Directeur Général Délégué, Pharmacien Responsable Biotechnology Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Grace Simpson gra********** ERYTECH Pharma Senior Accountant Biotechnology New York, United States
Amel Maybury ame********* ERYTECH Pharma Consultant in Global Project Management and Inspection Readiness Biotechnology Ringwood, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Nick Speyrer nic* President Baton Rouge, LA, US
John Snow joh* Partner and Vice President Baton Rouge, LA, US
Rachel DiResto rac*** Vice President Baton Rouge, LA, US
Jonathan Percle jon***** Managing Director Of Finance And Operations Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Kristof Van Gemert kri*************** icapps CEO IT Services and IT Consulting Antwerp, BE