
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Vesa Pekka Lehto ves* 3awater Chairman Of The Board
Corin Ashby cor**@44communications... 44 Communications Ltd Owner
Kai Nanfelt kai@44communications... 44 Communications Ltd Intern
Svetlana Polivtseva sve***** 3awater Production Manager
Hannah Montgomery han***@44communications... 44 Communications Ltd Editorial Assistant
Joakim Riikonen joa*** 3awater Co Founder, Chief Technology Officer
Alan Coates ala*@44communications... 44 Communications Ltd Partner Digital
Jani Tuovinen jan* 3awater Research And Development Manager
Garvco Rben gar***@44communications... 44 Communications Ltd Andah
Tuomo Nissinen tuo** 3awater Chief Executive Officer