
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Roland Rodriguez rol*** 6wind Vice President Emea Sales And Global Operations
Barry Dahan bar** 6wind Senior Vice President Business Development
Greg Bowden gre* 6wind Vice President Worldwide Channels And Strategic Alliances
Gilberto Ferrer gil***** 6wind Account Development Representative
Bert Sesona ber* 6wind Region Sales Manager Central, Midwest, And Southeast Usa
Galle Michel gal** 6wind Responsable Systèmes Informatiques
Sasi Reddy sas* 6wind Sales Development Representative
Chris Langley chr*********@44-communicat... 44 Communications Co Founder And Partner
Pabe Manneh pab*******@44-communicat... 44 Communications Jamisa Upper Basic School
Rigoberto Sanpedro rig**************@44-communicat... 44 Communications Labor