
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Tzafrir Kagan tza********* Twoteam Cbo
Shabtai Ben David sha********* Twoteam .Net Developer
Golan Shalom gol******** Twoteam Architect And Team Leader
Noa Shabtay noa******* Twoteam Senior Software Engineer
Shlomi Machluf shl********** Twoteam Software Programmer
Moran Eliash mor******** Twoteam Senior Software Developer
Jim Lather jim******@44interactive... 44 Interactive President
Donovan Peterson don************@44interactive... 44 Interactive Broadcast Editor And Motion Graphics Designer
Guilaro Rodney gui**********@44interactive... 44 Interactive Sales Specialist
Bronson French bro**********@44interactive... 44 Interactive Digital Media Strategist