
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Adriano da Silva adr************* Estagiário de desenvolvimento None
Cleber Freire cle********** Sócio Diretor State of São Paulo, Brazil
Luis Stecca lui******** Gerente comercial State of São Paulo, Brazil
Leonardo Felix leo*********** Desenvolvedor Pleno State of São Paulo, Brazil
Erica Fulton eri********* Portland State University, College of Education Operations Manager Higher Education Portland, Oregon, United States
Yachiyo Iisako yac*********** Portland State University, College of Education Director, First Stop Portland and International Program Manager Higher Education Portland, OR, US
Ronald Buchanan ron************ Portland State University, College of Education Senior Fellow Higher Education Bend, OR, US
Direlle Calica dir*********** Portland State University, College of Education Institute Director, Institute for Tribal Government Higher Education Portland, OR, US
Christian Smith chr************ Portland State University, College of Education Research Associate Higher Education Portland, Oregon, United States
Ellen Mickle ell********* Portland State University, College of Education Adjunct Research Assistant Higher Education Portland, Oregon, United States