
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jonah Cabral jon********* Portland State University, College of Education Fellowships Program Assistant Higher Education Portland, OR, US
Dang Van Huan dan********** Portland State University, College of Education Program Coordinator and Adjunct Instructor Higher Education Vietnam
Mac Donley mdo**** Donley's Chief Executive Officer Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Steve Hamilton sha****** Donley's Chief Operating Officer Construction Lakewood, OH, US
Greg Consolo gco***** Donley's Regional Vice President Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Mike Dilley mdi**** Donley's President Construction Raleigh, NC, US
Brian McCue bmc*** Donley's VP and GM Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Gregg Przepiora gpr******* Donley's Vice President Concrete Operations Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Jeff Anderle jan***** Donley's Director of Marketing and Communications Construction Chicago, IL, US
George Esner ges*** Donley's Chief People Officer Construction Cleveland, OH, US