
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Martin Pangrace mpa****** Donley's General Counsel Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Tracy Hawthorne tha******* Donley's Director of Finance and Accounting Construction Independence, OH, US
Brian Rock bro** Donley's Controller Construction Painesville, OH, US
Scott Sweeney ssw***** Donley's Regional Safety Manager Construction Medina, OH, US
Preston Ramsey pra**** Donley's Superintendent Construction Bumpass, VA, US
Cathy Wolfe cwo*** Donley's Marketing Coordinator Construction Cleveland, OH, US
Cauane dos Santos cau************** Analista de Desenvolvimento de Vendas l SDR Pleno State of São Paulo, Brazil
Wellington Marcelo wel*************** Desenvolvedor de back end Pleno - Líder técnico State of São Paulo, Brazil
Leandro Martins lea************ Sales Account Executive State of São Paulo, Brazil
Jerome Pays jer******** Chief Marketing Officer State of São Paulo, Brazil